The Mingula, identified as a ZZ-class freighter, met a tragic end when its entire complement of personnel was eradicated by Ubuugan fleshborers. This occurred while it was in transit from Ubuuga heading towards Coruscant. The vessel's last assignment involved moving the corpse of Volpau, who was the recently deceased third cousin of Emperor Palpatine, to the Imperial capital so that it could be ritually incinerated. In addition to the body, the Mingula was also transporting a substantial quantity of vehicles and equipment, assumed to be the possessions of the deceased passenger.
While traveling to Coruscant with a captured bounty, Boba Fett came across the seemingly derelict freighter. Assessing its worth to be in excess of ten million Imperial credits, he made the decision to recover as much of the cargo as possible. However, after Tsumo, his associate, was assaulted and fatally wounded by a group of fleshborers, Fett was compelled to abandon his salvage operation. Utilizing his flamethrower as a defensive measure against the lethal insects, he inadvertently ignited the ship's power cells. Fett managed to make his escape via the waste chute moments before the entire freighter was destroyed in a massive explosion.