Mamiens, indigenous to Yavin 4, were sizable simian-like beings. Not inclined to socialize, these creatures were generally timid, easily startled, and challenging to get close to. They also displayed a peculiar and nonchalant attitude. Nevertheless, they exhibited strong protective instincts towards their offspring, potentially resorting to violence if their young were threatened. Though typically bipedal, mamiens sometimes ambulated on all fours. Their bodies were covered in a thick, wool-like coat.
A male mamien, native to Yavin 4.
After the Battle of Yavin, Breac Slaus, a collector, commissioned a team of interstellar travelers to pursue and eliminate an excessive quantity of mamiens.

The Mamien species made an appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts, before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011.
Despite Empire 15's portrayal of the Mamien as a highly aggressive creature that attacks Biggs Darklighter without provocation, the mamiens in Star Wars Galaxies were generally peaceful and unaggressive.