Reworded MDX Example
This is the initial sentence. Let's rephrase it.
The original statement is presented here.
Here's a code block:
def hello_world():
print("Hello, world!")
This code snippet demonstrates a simple function.
Here's an image:

The image above is for illustrative purposes.
Here's a link to Google.
The aforementioned link directs you to Google's website.
title: "MDX Example, Now Restated"
description: "A demonstration of MDX content being reworded, while keeping the original meaning intact."
# MDX Example, Now Restated
We begin with this sentence. We will now rephrase it in a new way.
The statement as it was originally written is shown here.
Here is some code:
def hello_world():
print("Hello, world!")
This small piece of code shows a basic function in action.
Here is a picture:

The picture you see above serves as an example.
Here's a link that goes to Google.
The link that was just mentioned will take you to the Google website.