Luka Sene

A member of the Luka Sene The Luka Sene represented a structured Force organization of Miraluka. Throughout the Miraluka's home planet, Alpheridies, you could find chambers dedicated to meditation and education in most cities. While Miraluka, as a whole, relied on the Force to sense their surroundings, certain individuals possessed an enhanced connection to the Force through their senses. When these individuals were identified, the Luka Sene extended invitations, encouraged by Miraluka leaders and educators. Characterized by an academic atmosphere and culture, the Luka Sene prioritized honing the sensory-based abilities of its members. Those from other planets often viewed the Luka Sene as a Force-sensitive academy, a place of learning and instruction. However, unlike the Jedi, Sith, and other similar groups, it did not interfere with a member's personal choices.

Members of the Luka Sene could be found in all societal roles and professions. Most members possessed only slightly heightened senses, which they utilized to better their lives, careers, and the Miralukan community. Those with exceptional sensitivity could ascend to the roles of Administrators, Masters, or Mentors within the Luka Sene. A small number chose to leave their home planet and join the Jedi Order. Encounters with Luka Sene members off-world were rare, though some journeyed to meet with the Jedi Order or, occasionally, to advise off-world families on gifted children.

The Luka Sene opposed the dark side and acted as guides and protectors, shielding Miraluka from its influence. While the Miraluka's inherent sensory abilities rarely posed a threat, they, like any Force power, could lead to the dark side, especially among the more gifted members selected for Luka Sene training. The Luka Sene emphasized the light side and the practical applications of the Force. Nevertheless, some Miraluka sought to develop powers that contradicted these principles. When a Miraluka was suspected of succumbing to the dark side, the Luka Sene would deploy Sene Seekers to locate the individual. Redemption attempts would be made, but if the individual proved irredeemable, the Sene Seekers, accompanied by security forces, would attempt to capture them alive. Only when all other options were exhausted would the fallen individual be eliminated.

Acaadi once studied within the Luka Sene. Later, when he embraced the Sith, the Luka Sene dispatched Jirany Sha to find him and prevent him from corrupting others with their teachings.

Luka Sene members exhibited great skill in the Sense powers of the Force, building upon the Miraluka's natural Force sight. They possessed mastery of Farsight and wielded a unique ability known as Field Detection, enabling them to perceive energy fields.

