
title: "My MDX Document" date: "2023-10-27"

Welcome to My MDX Page

This is a basic MDX document. It showcases the ability to combine Markdown with JSX components.

Here's an example of an image:

And here's some code:

function helloWorld() {
 console.log("Hello, world!");


Let's add a link to Google.

 title: "My MDX Document"
 date: "2023-10-27"

 # Greetings! This is My MDX Page

 This simple MDX file demonstrates how you can integrate Markdown syntax alongside JSX elements.

 Take a look at this image, for instance:

 <InsImage src="/images/example.png" alt="Example Image"></InsImage>

 Now, observe this code snippet:

 function helloWorld() {
  console.log("Hello, world!");


Here's a hyperlink to Google for your convenience.
