Karina the Great

Karina the Great, who reigned during the Clone Wars, was the Queen of the Geonosian Stalgasin hive, thus ruling Geonosis. Through the use of brain worms, she also held command over a hive of Geonosian warriors brought back from the dead as undead.


Archduke Poggle the Lesser talking to Queen Karina.

Differing from the majority of her species, she possessed six limbs instead of the usual four, along with a sizable egg-laying organ that produced an egg roughly every eight seconds. From her hidden base beneath the Progate Temple, she controlled a hive of Geonosian warriors reanimated as undead through the influence of brain worms.

Initially believed to be nothing more than a legend, her existence was confirmed when Archduke Poggle the Lesser sought refuge in her temple. Unbeknownst to him, he was being followed by Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and the clone trooper known as Buzz. Upon entering Karina's temple, the Jedi and the clone found themselves under immediate attack by the undead Geonosians. Buzz perished, and Unduli was captured. When Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi located Luminara, tracing her to Karina's location, Obi-Wan expressed a desire to negotiate and understand the function of the brain worms. However, Queen Karina was presumably killed when clone troopers, in their rescue attempt of the three Jedi, caused the temple structure to collapse, trapping her beneath the resulting debris.

Behind the scenes

The voice of Karina was provided by Dee Bradley Baker, who is also the voice actor for all of the clone troopers featured in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series.

"Legacy of Terror" is noteworthy because it shares several thematic similarities with the 1986 film Aliens. Much like the alien queen from the science fiction movie, Karina the Great leads an alien hive and produces eggs. Furthermore, her massive egg sac and the fan-shaped structure on her head bear a striking resemblance to the alien queen from the film.

