Reworded MDX Example
This is an example of MDX content. We will reword this content while preserving the original meaning. The goal is to change the wording significantly, but keep the semantic meaning the same.
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
Here is an image:

You can find more information on the MDX website.
Let's add a list:
- Item one
- Item two
- Item three
And finally, a link to Google.
title: "Reworded MDX Example"
description: "A demonstration MDX file that's been substantially reformulated."
# Reworded MDX Example
Consider this as a sample of MDX-formatted material. Our task involves rephrasing it, ensuring the initial interpretation is maintained. The objective is to alter the phrasing considerably, all the while upholding the original semantic intent.
function add(firstNumber, secondNumber) {
return firstNumber + secondNumber;
Here's a visual:

Additional details can be discovered on the MDX website.
Let's incorporate a listing:
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
To conclude, a hyperlink to Google.