Let's examine an example of MDX content that has been reworded. We will focus on preserving the original meaning.
Consider this initial sentence: "This is a simple example demonstrating how to include images in MDX."
Now, here's a reworded version of the same sentence: "A basic illustration of incorporating images within MDX is presented here."
Here's another example. The original sentence is: "You can use standard Markdown syntax for text formatting."
The reworded equivalent is: "Typical Markdown formatting rules are applicable for styling text."
Finally, let's look at a code block example:
function greet(name) {
return `Hello, ${name}!`;
The reworded code block, while functionally identical, is:
function sayHello(userName) {
return "Hello, " + userName + "!";

The image above is included using a custom component. It remains unchanged.