
title: Reworded MDX Example description: This is a demonstration of rephrasing MDX content while maintaining its original meaning.

Reworded MDX Example

This is the initial paragraph. It aims to showcase how we can rephrase content in MDX while ensuring that the core meaning remains unchanged.

Here's a code block:

function greet(name) {
  return `Hello, ${name}!`;


Now, let's include an image:

Finally, here's a link to Google.

title: Modified MDX Example
description: An illustration of MDX content being rewritten, all while keeping its original sense.

# Modified MDX Example

The paragraph you're currently reading serves as an introduction. Its purpose is to display the method by which we can reword MDX-formatted text, making absolutely certain that the fundamental meaning is kept intact.

Behold, a code snippet:

function greet(name) {
  return `Hello, ${name}!`;


Now, let's insert a picture:

As a concluding element, here's a hyperlink to Google.
