Reworded MDX Example
Here's some example content to demonstrate the reworded MDX. This includes headings, paragraphs, lists, and code blocks.
- Item one
- Item two
- Item three
function greet(name) {
return `Hello, ${name}!`;

You can also include links to external resources. For example, here's a link to Google.
Finally, let's add a bit more text. This is just filler to show how the reworded content looks.
title: "Reworded MDX Example"
description: "A demonstration showcasing rewritten MDX content."
# Rewritten MDX Example
The following is sample material intended to illustrate the rewritten MDX format. This incorporates titles, text bodies, enumerated sets, and code segments.
* The first item
* The second item
* The third item
function sayHello(personName) {
return `Hello, ${personName}!`;

It is also possible to integrate hyperlinks that direct to outside sources. As an illustration, consider this hyperlink to Google.
In conclusion, let's incorporate slightly more wording. This serves solely as placeholder text to exhibit the appearance of the rewritten material.