A snowtrooper is seen here, clad in their specialized armor for frigid conditions.
The snowtrooper armor served as the protective gear for the Galactic Empire's cold weather assault stormtroopers, and was a type of armor. This specialized gear was crafted to shield wearers from intense cold, incorporating features like insulated kamas, heated rebreathers, polarized snow goggles, and ice boots.

Within the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps, the snowtrooper armor represents one of several variations of the standard armor issued to its troopers. Specifically designed for cold weather assault stormtroopers operating in extremely cold conditions, it featured numerous adaptations to enhance performance in such environments, the most obvious being its white coloration. Unlike its standard counterpart, the snowtrooper armor prioritized mobility and flexibility by omitting the cuisses and greaves typically found in leg armor, opting instead for knee guards and heavily insulated pants. The body armor comprised a single plackart, similar to that utilized in the battle armor of the Imperial Officer Corps, along with shoulder armor and short vambraces. A codpiece, connected to their utility belt, finalized the standard snowtrooper armor, although occasional modifications included hip armor.

The design of snowtrooper helmets was meticulously crafted to maximize protection for the wearer, both against the elements and enemy fire. The helmet itself, resembling that of the officer corps, covered the head, while a protective hood shielded the face. Beneath the hood, troopers wore a rebreather and polarized snow goggles. The entire helmet was heated via an external battery pack, carried on the trooper's back, providing power for up to two weeks.
Snowtroopers were shielded from blizzards and ice through the inclusion of durable ice boots, an insulated kama covering the hips and extending to the feet, and a survival backpack equipped with a grappling gun, ion flares, and a homing beacon. A heating unit, powered by the battery pack adjacent to the survival backpack, heated the entire suit. Troopers underwent specialized training to endure arctic temperatures.
A modified version of the snowtroopers' heating backpack was created to be compatible with standard stormtrooper armor. This version was similar to the survival backpack used by desert stormtroopers, but it had a longer antenna and a larger canister.

Scout troopers deployed in cold regions could utilize a variant of the snowtrooper armor, incorporating the chest armor, pauldrons, and vambraces. Their modified helmet integrated the macrobinocular viewplate and heavy-duty rebreather found in standard scout trooper helmets, along with the heating capabilities of the snowtrooper helmet. Like their stormtrooper counterparts, cold assault scout troopers wore an insulated bodysuit. However, their battery pack was specifically designed for detachment and transport on a 74-Z speeder bike, facilitating the operations of swift scouting parties.