Feris, a planet with polar ice caps, existed within the Feris system. This system was situated inside the Agarix sector, which itself was a section of the Western Reaches found in the Mid Rim. A civilization had thrived there millennia before 3637 BBY. In that year or thereabouts, the thawing of the polar ice revealed the well-preserved remains of this ancient society.
In that time frame, the individual who would become the commander of the future Eternal Alliance dispatched an associate to explore the unearthed ruins, hoping to uncover artifacts of significance.
During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Feris was the location of Feris City, a known settlement.
The planet Feris made its first appearance in Shadow of Revan, which was an expansion released in 2014 for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game from 2011 created by BioWare. The reference work The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, positioned the Feris system, and consequently the planet Feris, within grid coordinate K-17.