Feltipern Trevagg

Feltipern Trevagg, a Gotal from Tatooine, held the position of a corrupt tax collector within the Mos Eisley area of the planet. In the year 0 BBY, he was in the midst of attempting to woo M'iiyoom Onith, a female of the H'nemthe species, inside Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina. However, their interaction was interrupted when a group that included the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi walked into the establishment. Following Kenobi's use of his lightsaber, Trevagg proceeded to inform the Galactic Empire about the presence of a Jedi.


Feltipern Trevagg attempted to romance M'iiyoom Onith at Chalmun's Cantina.

As a corrupt tax collector of the Gotal species, Feltipern Trevagg primarily conducted his business in the Mos Eisley sector of the planet Tatooine. In 0 BBY, he dedicated time to sitting in one of the back booths of Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in Mos Eisley, accompanied by M'iiyoom Onith, a female of the H'nemthe species, and Elis Helrot, a Givin smuggler. Oblivious to the gravity of the situation, the Gotal tried to charm Onith, and they shared laughter as Onith communicated in the H'nemthe language.

While his arm was draped around the shoulder of the H'nemthe, Luke Skywalker, a local moisture farmer, alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi Master, and the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO, entered the cantina. Trevagg remained seated with Onith and Helrot when Kenobi and Skywalker became embroiled in a dispute with Doctor Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba, who were criminals, at the bar. During the altercation, Kenobi brandished his lightsaber, prompting Trevagg to contact his allies within the Galactic Empire to inform them of the Jedi's presence. Simultaneously, Garindan ezz Zavor, a spy, and Garouf Lafoe, a human, also alerted the Imperials, who then attempted to apprehend Kenobi and his companions, but the group managed to escape the planet.

Personality and traits

Trevagg possessed a diverse skill set, though his intelligence and speed were average, and his strength, fighting abilities, and diplomatic skills were below average. He lacked Force-sensitive abilities and was characterized by orange eyes, brown fur, and brown skin.


During his time at the cantina, Trevagg was dressed in a tan tunic worn over a brown shirt.

Behind the scenes

The Gotal mask was made by Laine Liska.

Penny McCarthy provided an uncredited portrayal of Feltipern Trevagg in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, a film from the original trilogy that premiered on May 25, 1977. Ron Cobb, a conceptual artist, conceived the character, describing it as a "high tundra creature" in his sketches' margins, leading to the on-set designation "High Tundra." Laine Liska, a makeup artist, crafted the character's mask and hands, with the hands incorporating fur from a pair originally created by costume designer Rick Baker for the 1974 horror film It's Alive.

The same hands and mask were also utilized for Hennet Kayn and Cobb Sonbepol, fellow Gotal cantina patrons, with all three characters appearing in supplemental shots filmed for the cantina sequence at Dovington's Hollywood studio between January 24 and 25, 1977. The cantina patron Myo also sported the same hand design, albeit without the fur.

Within the current Star Wars canon, Trevagg's identity was first established on a card released via the Star Wars: Card Trader app on September 24, 2015. The character's name originated from the Star Wars Legends continuity, initially appearing in "Nightlily: The Lovers' Tale," a story penned by Barbara Hambly and featured in the 1995 anthology Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina. Plans initially involved naming the character "Dratun," but that name was eventually assigned to a Gotal featured in the 1978 television special The Star Wars Holiday Special instead.

