Fellidrone's Apartment

An apartment, situated within a structure located in Carannia, the capital city on the Outer Rim Territories planet of Serenno, was the property of Republic Intelligence Officer Raz Fellidrone around 23 BBY. The residence included at least a single window and contained a concealed area, accessible via a control mechanism hidden behind a picture depicting the world of Glee Anselm.


In the year 23 BBY, subsequent to the abduction of Jenza, Dooku's sibling, by Glute who was employed by agents supported by the Republic, Jenza was brought to Fellidrone's dwelling where Fellidrone tortured her to extract information. After discerning that the scent of aftershave originating from the Portmaster's office was emanating from a Zim-501 Jetpack, Ventress forcefully entered the apartment and confronted Fellidrone. After persuading Fellidrone to assist her, Ventress interacted with a control panel located behind a portrait of Glee Anselm, and upon its activation, triggered a trap. This resulted in her receiving an electrical shock. Before Fellidrone could transport Jenza away from the planet to his superiors, Ventress stabbed him. Ventress then liberated Jenza from her restraining devices, at which point she recounted to Ventress about Dooku during his final years as a Jedi Master. Following Jenza's complete narration of the history of Count Dooku, two agents of the Republic entered the building, and subsequently, the apartment. This prompted Ventress to seal the compartment that she and Jenza were occupying. Before the Republic agents could gain access to the compartment, Dooku arrived and used the Force choked to kill them. Dooku then encountered Jenza and instructed her to verify whether any data had been transmitted off-world. Dooku then spoke with Jenza and commanded Ventress to eliminate Jenza. Ventress complied and killed Jenza. Dooku then issued an order for the destruction of all evidence. Ventress complied by overloading the power cell of a deceased agent's blaster near a fuel spill within the room. This action resulted in the destruction of both the apartment and the entire building.

Behind the scenes

Fellidrone's Apartment made its initial appearance in the audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost, authored by Cavan Scott and released in 2019. The location's designation was referenced within the script book version of the audio drama.[3]

