Feldrax Kar

Feldrax Kar, a male individual, served within the ranks of the Imperial Guard. This organization was responsible for safeguarding the Sith Emperor, who himself held the title of Sith Lord within the structure of the Sith Empire. He employed a pair of lightsabers as his weapons of choice, and he acted as a commander for the Empire's military forces during the Battle of Ilum.

Behind the scenes

The character of Lord Feldrax Kar made his initial appearance in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. He was introduced as part of the Digital Expansion titled Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Strongholds, which brought Conquest Commanders to a majority of planets with both Republic and Imperial presences. Kar is an uncommon non-player character (NPC) adversary. His location at the Imperial waystation on Ilum is often taken by a standard Veteran Sith Battlemaster.

