
"Faster" represents the fourth installment within the second season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, the animated television program. It was initially broadcast on Disney+ on January 18, 2023.

Official Synopsis

The squad finds themselves immersed in the vibrant, yet perilous, realm of competitive racing.

Narrative Summary

A Fresh Assignment

At Cid's Parlor, situated on Ord Mantell, Wrecker is engaged in a game of dejarik with Omega. Omega gains an advantage over Wrecker, informing him that he now owes her two containers of Mantell Mix. Wrecker expresses a desire for another match, but Cid interrupts to tell them about an assignment she has available. Omega points out that Hunter and Echo are currently occupied with a delivery of 50 crates of nerf nuggets, which Tech considers a misuse of their capabilities. Cid asserts that this new task will require their particular skills and strength, noting that their transport is already prepared. Omega and Wrecker show excitement, while Tech is hesitant, yet ultimately joins them.

Racing on Safa Toma

The Bad Batch accompany Cid to Safa Toma, a gritty spaceport known for its shady dealings. The group proceeds to an arena where various aliens, including Gotals, Pantorans, Arcona, and Rodians, are enthusiastically watching a landspeeder competition. The star racer TAY-0 overtakes "Hyper" Rod, targeting his speeder with weaponry. Cid reveals that she has placed bets on TAY-0, who emerges victorious. She then introduces the clones to TAY-0 at his repair area.

When Tech observes that TAY-0 is a droid, the droid takes exception and proudly lists his capabilities. Wrecker supports Tech's statement, but Cid diffuses the tension. TAY-0 enters his garage to fix his 12 series speeder in preparation for the next race. Tech comments that the speeder's design is not optimized for racing. TAY-0 responds by explaining that he modifies them to suit his needs. Soon after, the Dowutin crime boss Grini Millegi, Jet Venim, Garnac, and a Gamorrean guard approach Cid. Millegi warns Cid to stay away from his territory, which prompts Cid to defend her right to be there. Millegi expresses interest in the clones and TAY-0, claiming that this team will defeat Cid. Venim curses in his alien language. Millegi convinces Cid to agree to a standard wager on the next race, which she accepts.

When Tech questions Cid about her strained relationship with Millegi, Cid denies any personal issues and states that it is simply part of her racing ventures. During the subsequent race, TAY-0 competes against Jet Venim, and they are neck and neck. Tech is unable to determine who is in the lead. Their competitors include a modified B1 battle droid and a protocol droid. Bosco Brix, a racer employed by Millegi, accidentally launches a barrage of blaster fire that hits an Arcona spectator. The announcer reminds the audience that Safa Toma Speedway is not responsible for any injuries, fatalities, or disintegrations. TAY-0 and Venim approach Gambler's Gulch.

Cid advises TAY-0 against using the left tunnel, but the droid insists that he knows best. When Omega asks, Cid explains that Gambler's Gulch is extremely dangerous. Millegi orders Venim to force TAY-0 into the Crunch. Venim uses a claw on his speeder to latch onto TAY-0's vehicle and sever its stabilizers with a saw. This causes TAY-0's vehicle to lose control. Venim is declared the victor.

Omega's Risk

Later, Tech and Wrecker are repairing the wrecked 12 series speeder. Tech believes that the ship is irreparable, but Wrecker finds TAY-0's components and thinks he can fix most of the droid. Millegi arrives to collect his winnings, but Cid asks for more time. Millegi insists on immediate payment, and Cid asks Tech and Wrecker to provide "muscle". Before the clones and Millegi's henchmen can draw their blasters, Omega addresses Millegi about Cid's debt. Omega suggests a third race, with Cid paying double if Millegi wins. Omega adds that if she wins, they get Cid back. Tech and Wrecker are concerned, but Omega convinces them that they need to rescue Cid. Millegi accepts Omega's offer, holding Cid as collateral. He warns the clones to pay up for their own safety.

The clones repair TAY-0's damaged 12 series speeder with assistance from DUM-series pit droids. Omega comments that the vehicle is in worse condition than she thought. Tech works on TAY-0 and is not optimistic about the droid's repair. TAY-0 insists that he is capable of racing, but is shocked to find that his limbs are missing. Tech begins reattaching the droid's limbs. Wrecker suggests rescuing Cid and confronting Millegi, but Tech warns that the gangster will retaliate. When TAY-0 mentions that a competitor who failed to pay Millegi ended up in the sand dunes, Omega says that this is why they must win the race. Tech comments on Cid's connections to criminal elements. TAY-0 tells the clones to focus on repairing him.

Meanwhile, Millegi holds Cid captive in his suite overlooking the stadium. Cid insists that she has left her shady past behind, but Millegi replies that people will eventually see the real Cid. Cid disagrees, but Millegi expresses doubt before drinking some wine.

The "Accident"

Before the third race, Omega informs TAY-0 that he will be racing. Wrecker asks if he is fit to race, and the droid insists that he is competent and will win this time. TAY-0 finds Tech analyzing the race course and patterns on his datapad. TAY-0 comments that calculations are no match for strategy and skill. Tech argues that TAY-0's strategy is flawed and advises him to redirect power to the reflector shields. TAY-0 rejects his advice, claiming that offense is the best approach. The droid enters the race course and is hit by another speeder, causing a crash. Bosco Brix walks away without concern, while pit droids attend to the wreckage of the speeder.

TAY-0 is severely damaged. Wrecker realizes that the droid is unable to race. Millegi arrives with his entourage and the hostage Cid. He remarks that Safa Toma is dangerous and that "accidents" happen. Cid speaks to TAY-0, and the droid states that he regrets nothing before deactivating. Millegi suggests that Cid and her team forfeit the race. Tech volunteers to race. Millegi is dismissive, but Cid insists that he honor their agreement. Millegi accepts, despite believing that Cid and her team have little chance of winning.

Tech's Race

Tech enters the 12 series speeder. The announcer introduces the participants as Riot Champion Jet Venim, Bosco "The Mad Bomber" Brix, "Steel Claw" Kane, "Vicious" Vid Santari, Haxxon "The War Gnome" Trajanix, "Quick-draw" Quasar, "The Trickster" Flash Raktor, "Hyper" Rod on his Seven Deuce Blaster, and Tech. The announcer questions Tech's name before announcing the start of the race. During the race, Jet Venim uses "dirty tricks" to get ahead of the other racers.

Omega monitors the race and reports that Tech is in last place. When Wrecker expresses concern, Tech insists that he knows what he is doing and is using "strategy." Mad Bomber Brix uses explosives to eliminate Quasar. Tech exits the tunnel and passes another racer. Omega warns Tech not to take the left tunnel, but Tech asks her to transmit the schematics of that location. When Wrecker warns of the danger, Tech says his plan will work and diverts power from the weapons to the shields. Tech passes "The War Gnome" and avoids his firepower. During the second leg, Tech jettisons the blaster section to gain speed. The announcer and Cid criticize his decision. Tech reports that he now has increased speed and maneuverability, but Wrecker warns that he is still in last place.

Tech passes Brix and heads to a dangerous tunnel with a shortened track called "Nellis Express to Lotho Minor." He is followed by Brix. Tech and Brix navigate the first hole. Tech manages to avoid the second hole, but Brix falls inside with his speeder. By taking the short tunnel, Tech is able to climb the ranks. After avoiding a block obstacle, he chases Venim. Venim deploys his circular saw. However, Tech is ready and dodges "Steel Claw" Kane's retractable hook, which latches onto Venim instead. Kane's speeder is damaged by Venim's circular saw, causing both of them to lose control. Reaching the finish line, Tech's speeder rolls in the dirt. The announcer declares Tech the winner. Millegi is angry, but Cid is overjoyed.


Omega and Wrecker are happy and surprised. The crowd cheers for Tech. Later, the clones meet with Millegi, who agrees to free Cid. Cid tells the clones that she owes them a favor before departing. Venim, upset about losing the race, tries to shoot at the clones, but Millegi stops him. Millegi speaks to the clones, praising their loyalty but warning that Cid cannot be trusted and telling them to "watch their backs." Omega leaves with Tech and Wrecker.

Canon Notes

"Faster" depicts Garnac as still alive during the Imperial Era. However, the character was previously shown dying during the Republic Era in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Wookiee Hunt," and his death was confirmed by Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle!

Production Credits

