
The light cruiser Expeditious, a Carrack-class, functioned within the Imperial Navy under the leadership of Captain Rojahn. While serving on the cruiser, Intelligence Agent Kirtan Loor oversaw the ship's capture of the freighter Starwind, which was carrying Gil Bastra, a former officer of Corellian Security. Loor had been hunting Bastra for almost two years because Bastra was fleeing the Empire after creating false identities for Corran Horn, Diric and Iella Wessiri, to aid in their escape from Corellia. After being brought onto the Expeditious, Loor questioned him regarding the location of his allies, but Gil passed away due to an allergy that caused a bad reaction to bacta.

On a subsequent assignment, the Lancer-class frigate Ravager accompanied the Expeditious to the Rachuk system, where it was scheduled to rendezvous with Kirtan Loor and transport him swiftly to the capital city. The pair of vessels entered the system concurrently with the New Republic's assault on the Imperial installation situated on the planet Vladet. The Ravager was sent to confront the opposing starfighters while Expeditious maintained a secure distance from the conflict. As the New Republic annihilated the Ravager, Kirtan Loor, arriving on the shuttle Helicon, promptly boarded the Expeditious, enabling the cruiser to execute a swift departure from the battle.

