Evitch Jenton held the position of governor for the Imperial presence on Ebra. His time in power was characterized by stringent limitations on the exportation of lu-ramin from Ebra. The Ebranites, who had previously conducted the majority of their lu-ramin sales with the Carosites, found this commerce terminated by Jenton's administration, which instead mandated that lu-ramin be exclusively sold to cultures and businesses authorized by the Empire.
The oppression of the Ebranites by the Empire extended beyond mere trade limitations. Replacing the Ebranites' traditional clan-based system of governance, Governor Jenton seized total power over Ebran's political affairs. Ebranites suspected of holding rebellious ideas were banished to the Grythsorin lu-ramin mines. Many Ebranites chose to fight against Imperial control, joining the ranks of the Rebel Alliance.
- Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies (First mentioned)
- " Cracken's Rebel Operatives " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 11
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia