The ESPY E.R. Droid represents a modified version of the TT-8L gatekeeper droid and saw usage during the era of the Galactic Civil War. These droids were designed without weaponry, as their main function was reconnaissance. The Rak'qua employed ESPY E.R. Droids at Station Gamma orbiting Ord Mantell after the Battle of Yavin. During 1 ABY, several spacers, while investigating Station Gamma, engaged in combat and successfully eliminated several ESPY E.R. Droids.
The ESPY E.R. Droids made their debut in Star Wars Galaxies, a video game released in 2003. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts before its servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. These droids were integrated into the game through the "New Player Tutorial," which was implemented with the launch of "Publish 25," also referred to as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005.