Escabar, a planet, was situated within the Escabar system. This system resided within the freestanding subsectors of the Expansion Region. Notable areas on the planet included Khrassh and Serhan. Serhan's northeastern section was characterized by deserts. Despite the presence of powerful sandstorms in these desert regions, the borcatu, small quadripedal scavenger creatures, evolved and adapted to the environment by developing burrowing and shell-cracking skills.
At some point in its history, Escabar saw the construction and opening of interstellar spaceports. As traders from Khrassh journeyed across the Serhan deserts to reach these ports, several borcatu secretly boarded the departing starships and left the planet without being noticed. As time passed, these creatures established populations throughout the galaxy, and the species' origins were eventually traced back to their homeworld. An individual described the origin of the borcatu on Escabar and the creatures' spread from the planet 150 standard years after Escabar joined the galactic economy. Escabar was integrated into the New Republic between 12 ABY and 13 ABY.
The first mention of Escabar appeared in Creatures of the Galaxy, a sourcebook from 1994. Specifically, it was referenced in "A Widespread Scavenger," a short narrative written by Phil Brucato. West End Games published this book for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2009 reference work, The Essential Atlas, located the Escabar system, and therefore Escabar itself, within grid square I-8.