Erran Sif

Erran Sif was a female Human spy who resided on both Corellia and Talus during the time of the Galactic Civil War. The Empire branded her a Rebel, but in reality, both sides sought her capture.


Erran Sif in her bunker

Sif's career began with espionage for the Empire. Her assignment was to infiltrate the Rebel Alliance. However, Imperial agents discovered she was selling information concerning both the Rebels and the Empire to the Hutts. After the Battle of Yavin, her duplicity was exposed, and realizing her life was in danger, Sif escaped from Corellia to the Twin World of Talus. There, she took refuge in a remote bunker, surrounded by only her most trusted allies. These included a brutal mercenary band, including several Trandoshans and her two brothers, Hirsch and Doak. However, in 1 ABY, the Empire finally located Erran Sif's hidden sanctuary and revealed her identity, making her a target for bounty hunters and other individuals. The Bothan Spynet also disseminated this information.

Behind the scenes

Erran Sif was among the many Non-Player Characters featured in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. Players had the option to visit her bunker and eliminate Erran Sif, although this action was not tied to any specific quest. Her backstory was further elaborated on in a brief article entitled "10 Hot Spots Travel Guide."

