The Epsom Asteroid Belt existed within the Epsom system, which itself was situated inside the Quiberon sector of the Slice region, a part of the larger Outer Rim Territories. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Saurian crime lord known as Sithless Leethe maintained a summer residence located inside the asteroid belt.
A group residing on the planet Tatooine within the Arkanis sector once acquired the YT-1300 light freighter named Limping Lady from Leethe. The Saurian accepted only a portion of the agreed-upon price—specifically, 25,000 credits—as an initial payment. The remaining balance was to be settled either on Tatooine or at Leethe's summer home in the Epsom Asteroid Belt, within a year following the transaction.
The roleplaying adventure "Limping Lady," which featured the Epsom Asteroid Belt, was authored by Peter M. Schweighofer for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. It was published in September of 1992 as part of the sixty-fourth issue of the magazine Challenge. The article presupposes the scenario unfolds as written. In 2009, the reference book titled The Essential Atlas pinpointed the location of the Epsom system, and consequently the Epsom Asteroid Belt, within grid square S-15.