The helmet of Enfys Nest was a helmet that belonged to Enfys Nest, the head of the Cloud-Riders. Her mother, the group's previous leader, bequeathed it to her. A poem was etched onto the helmet: "Until we reach the last edge, the last opening, the last star, and can go no higher." An Aurebesh-esque script was used for the inscription.
The initial designs for Enfys Nest's battle helmet, which featured an inscription, drew inspiration from a dolphin skull. This skull was treated by Japanese artists with black and red lacquer and adorned with gold powder. Furthermore, the helmet's chrome eyepiece took cues from the mirrored aviator sunglasses sported by Boss "The Man with No Eyes" Godfrey in the 1967 movie Cool Hand Luke. Numerous prototype designs were created for the helmet, and these designs were eventually adapted for use by other Cloud-Rider members.
In 2019, Glyn Dillon, a costume designer who worked on both Rogue One and Solo, responded to a question on Twitter about the alternative font. He disclosed that Gareth Edwards, the director, had commissioned its creation for the movie Rogue One. It was then repurposed for Enfys Nest's helmet in Solo. Dillon also mentioned that the script was called "Dishabesh."