Eliminator 434-series assassin droid

title: Eliminator 434-series assassin droid

The Eliminator assassin droid, model 434, alternatively referenced as the Eliminator 434-series assassin droid, represented a particular model within the broader category of assassin droids.


Functionally, the Eliminator 434 was categorized as a Class four assassin droid. This droid possessed a bipedal, humanoid form factor, with a height of 1.8 meters. Its offensive capabilities included a blaster cannon along with a concussion grenade launcher. Furthermore, it incorporated a broadband antenna specifically designed for monitoring comlink communications.


The operational timeline of the Eliminator 434 spanned the duration of the Galactic Civil War in addition to the initial years following the establishment of the New Republic. Notably, an Eliminator 434 participated in an attempted assassination targeting Prince Isolder of Hapes and Leia Organa which transpired in 8 ABY. Ultimately, the droid met its demise at the hands of Astarta, who served as Isolder's bodyguard.

Behind the scenes

Evidently, the Eliminator 434 and the Uulshos justice droid exhibit design similarities, likely stemming from their shared conceptual origins in early artwork created for IG-88. The head design is also reused in Star Wars: DroidWorks as the Brodan RBY Data Collection Scanning Head.

