Eleodie Maracavanya emerged as a non-binary human pirate leader in the wake of the Galactic Empire's collapse. Zher crew, under zher command, seized the Annihilator, a Super Star Destroyer previously under the control of Imperial Grand General Cassio Tagge, and renamed it Liberty's Misrule. This starship, coupled with a fleet answering to zher, established Maracavanya's reputation as the "pirate ruler of Wild Space" and head of a ship-based pirate domain known as the Sovereign Latitudes of Maracavanya.

Growing up on the moon of Nar Shaddaa, Eleodie Maracavanya, a non-binary human, experienced enslavement under the Galactic Empire before embracing the life of a pirate. In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, Maracavanya rose to lead a pirate organization operating within Wild Space. Zhe oversaw subordinates like the Omwati Shi Shu, Vinthar the Sarkan of Egg-Brood Xazin'nizar, and several Weequay pirates. Maracavanya and zher crew successfully commandeered the Super Star Destroyer Annihilator, once the flagship of Imperial Grand General Cassio Tagge. Maracavanya then proceeded to establish a pirate empire based around a flotilla of ships, with the captured Imperial Super Star Destroyer serving as its heart.
During 5 ABY, Maracavanya's Annihilator executed a boarding action against the New Republic CR90 corvette named the Starfall. This vessel was engaged in a diplomatic undertaking, with Senator Tia'dor Emshwa leading a mission to the planet Ithor to persuade the world to join the fledgling galactic government. The Starfall carried recovered Ithorian relics, food, medical supplies, and a wealth of advanced technology.

Maracavanya oversaw the boarding operation alongside zher second-in-command, Shi Shu, who provided intelligence about the target ship. While initially hesitant to provoke the New Republic, zhe ultimately agreed with Shi Shu's assessment that seizing the Starfall's cargo would replenish their flotilla's dwindling resources. After neutralizing the ship's communications array and sealing the breached airlock, Maracavanya, along with Vinthar, directed the boarding of the Starfall. The pirates subdued the crew and passengers using flash grenades and flash detonators, after which Vinthar instructed Maracavanya to come aboard and address the captives.
Maracavanya waited as Vinthar spoke to the captured individuals, introducing zher captain with a brief speech that zhe had personally crafted. Displaying zher electro-scythe, Maracavanya employed a vocoder to communicate intelligibly with the Starfall's crew and passengers. Zhe identified zherself as the captain of the Annihilator, announcing zher intention to rename the ship. Zhe assured the captives that their lives would be spared if they offered no resistance, while simultaneously confiscating their ship and its contents. Stating that zhe was neither a murderer nor a slaver, zhe offered them the opportunity to escape via the Starfall's escape pods.
Although Maracavanya refrained from forcing individuals into zher service, zhe did extend an invitation to the Starfall's crew and passengers to voluntarily join zher ranks. Zhe promised them a life of adventure and riches as pirates, while also deriding the New Republic. Surprisingly, a young Chandrilan woman by the name of Kartessa accepted the offer. The young woman yearned for a life of excitement and wished to escape the confines of Chandrila. Despite the objections of the woman's mother, Maracavanya urged her to respect her daughter's choice. Reluctantly, the woman agreed to follow her daughter and become part of Maracavanya's pirate organization. Zhe then permitted the remaining crew and passengers to depart in escape pods.
In the months leading up to the Battle of Jakku, Eleodie Maracavanya rechristened the Annihilator as the Liberty's Misrule. Zhe also assumed leadership of the self-proclaimed Sovereign Latitudes of Maracavanya, a community of pirates and outlaws numbering ten thousand individuals. The Super Star Destroyer became the focal point of Eleodie Maracavanya's nascent nation, which lacked a planetary base and instead existed across the Liberty's Misrule, two dozen additional starships, and a squadron of starfighters adorned with the nation's colors: red, yellow, and black. The Sovereign Latitudes of Maracavanya grew through the acquisition of stolen vessels and the influx of pirates and refugees fleeing into Wild Space. These individuals constructed makeshift dwellings and marketplaces within the Super Star Destroyer's hangar bays. Maracavanya also forged a close bond with Kartessa, the rebellious teenager zhe had encountered on the Starfall.
When Kartessa confessed that she had left her mother on the engineering sublevel because she wouldn't leave her alone, Maracavanya scolded the girl for her disrespect. After a moment of hesitation, Kartessa inquired about the future of zher pirate nation. Zhe explained that pirates would benefit more from cooperation than from infighting over limited resources. Kartessa argued that zhe had not answered her question and that pirates were inherently selfish. Maracavanya countered that pirates had a vested interest in working together. Zhe assured her that the collective strength of their numbers would reduce unnecessary violence. Zhe also pledged to distribute the spoils equitably.

Their conversation was interrupted by Shi Shu, who announced the arrival of visitors. Maracavanya quickly determined, based on their hyperspace trajectories and the recent battle damage sustained by the three Imperial II-class Star Destroyers, that they were fleeing the Battle of Jakku. The Ssori gunner Carklin Ryoon and Shi Shu proposed deceiving the Imperials and stealing their ships. However, Maracavanya instead ordered zher crew to destroy them, including their escape pods, and send the wreckage to the New Republic as a gesture of goodwill. Zhe suggested billing the New Republic for the cleanup efforts.
When Kartessa pointed out that the New Republic was not their ally, Maracavanya responded that destroying the Star Destroyers could provide them with leverage in future negotiations with the Republic. When Kartessa noted the ships' considerable firepower, Maracavanya promised to compensate the other fleet captains for any damage incurred. After Shi Shu instructed the bridge crew to activate the targeting computers, weapons systems, and tractor beam, Kartessa asked Maracavanya if zhe was confident in zher plan. Zhe admitted that zhe was taking a risk and likened life to a game of chance. The Liberty's Misrule proceeded to obliterate the weakened Star Destroyers.
Eleodie Maracavanya primarily used the pronouns "zhe," "zher," and "zherself," occasionally alternating with "his" or "her." Zhe possessed golden eyes and a naturally resonant voice, filled with intense energy. Maracavanya championed the idea of pirates collaborating for mutual benefit and sought to establish a new pirate society grounded in freedom, greed, and self-interest. Zhe also advocated for the equitable distribution of spoils among zher followers. This vision led to the creation of the pirate nation known as the Sovereign Latitudes of Maracavanya.
A self-proclaimed realist, Maracavanya was an astute and politically savvy pirate leader who capitalized on the decline of the Empire following the Battle of Endor. Despite zher skepticism towards the New Republic and zher belief that the fledgling government had little chance of saving the galaxy, zhe sought to gain influence with them by destroying Imperial Star Destroyers.
Zhe admired Kartessa, a rebellious young Chandrilan woman who joined zher crew driven by a thirst for adventure and a desire to defy her mother. However, when Kartessa abandoned her mother in the engineering section, Maracavanya reprimanded her for the lack of respect. Zhe also engaged in philosophical discussions with the young woman and kept her informed of important developments.
Maracavanya typically wore a shimmering, chromatophoral cape composed of chromatic scales. When addressing a captive audience, zhe used a vocoder worn around zher throat to modify zher voice, giving it a velvety, rich, and vibrating quality. Zhe also wielded an electro-scythe resembling a long, ornate staff.

Eleodie Maracavanya was a secondary character whose perspective was presented in an interlude chapter of Chuck Wendig's 2016 novel Aftermath: Life Debt, the second book in The Aftermath Trilogy. Wendig confirmed on Twitter that his use of gender-neutral pronouns indicated that the character identified as non-binary. This made the character the first non-binary character within the current Star Wars canon. Wendig also revealed via Twitter that Maracavanya was human. The pronouns of aide Tepoh were changed to "zhe/zher" during the drafting of the 2022 young-adult novel Queen's Hope at the suggestion of Lucasfilm Story Group's Jennifer Heddle to align with the pronoun set Wendig established for Maracavanya in The Aftermath Trilogy.