The short story "Easy Credits," penned by Paul Danner, initially saw publication in February of 1996 within the pages of Star Wars Adventure Journal 9, a publication of West End Games.
Around 4 ABY, on the planet of Rydonni Prime, King Rilvvan K'ntarr stood ready to hand over a prototype weapon – the product of his company, Rythani Products – to the Galactic Empire by way of Moff Caerbellak. Simultaneously, a thief named Sienn Sconn was in the process of infiltrating the castle, his objective being to retrieve the very same prototype as part of an assignment. While navigating the palace, he crossed paths with Princess Kalieva K'ntarr, who implored him to take her with him, desiring to escape the oppressive and meaningless existence she felt as the King's daughter. Ultimately, Sconn agreed to let Kalieva aid in the heist. Confronted by guards outside the laboratory housing the prototype, Kalieva leveraged her position to create a distraction, giving Sconn the opening he needed to incapacitate them. Having successfully stolen the prototype, the pair then secreted themselves inside an AT-AT in an attempt to make their getaway.
During their escape, the AT-AT malfunctioned. By the time Sconn managed to repair it, they found themselves caught in the middle of a parade of AT-ATs, orchestrated by King K'ntarr to celebrate the prototype's successful completion and delivery to the Empire. Sconn skillfully steered their stolen AT-AT into the parade formation, where they then witnessed a commotion at the royal grandstand. Moff Caerbellak, recently informed of the theft, placed the blame squarely on King K'ntarr. He ordered his bodyguard, Variise, to execute the King's guards and then aimed a blaster at the King, threatening his life unless the prototype was recovered. Sconn and Kalieva intervened, rescuing the King by firing upon the stands, causing Caerbellak to lose his balance. Variise then leaped onto the stolen AT-AT as the two thieves resumed their escape attempt. Sconn engaged in combat with Variise, while Kalieva focused on evading the pursuing Imperial AT-ATs. Sconn eventually managed to eliminate Variise with an explosion, but their AT-AT sustained damage in the process, causing it to accelerate uncontrollably towards the Rydonnian Imperial Consulate. Abandoning their AT-AT, the pair used a speeder bike to reach a launchpad, where the Corellian Thunder, pre-arranged by Sconn for transportation, awaited.
Kalieva made the decision not to accompany Sconn, explaining that the adventure had made her realize that her desired life lay elsewhere, and that she still had much to accomplish on Rydonni Prime. After their farewells, Sconn departed the planet with the prototype. Subsequently, Caerbellak held a meeting with Kalieva, during which it was revealed that they had been working together for some time. The prototype was intentionally allowed to leave the planet, as it had been equipped with homing beacons designed to expose the locations of New Republic weapons labs when they attempted to reverse engineer it. Furthermore, King K'ntarr was assassinated, elevating Kalieva to the position of queen of Rydonni Prime.