Duron Veertag

Duron Veertag, a Human male, achieved the rank of major within the Alliance to Restore the Republic by the time 0 BBY arrived. In that same year, following the Alliance's triumph in the Battle of Yavin, where they successfully obliterated the Galactic Empire's DS-1 Orbital Battle Station superweapon, Veertag was in attendance at a ceremony that celebrated the valor of Luke Skywalker and other heroes who fought in the battle. Later, in 3 ABY, Veertag had risen to the rank of general and was stationed at Haven Base, the Alliance's base on the planet Arbra. After a battle where Commander Skywalker downed Captain Shira Brie, Veertag served on the Triad of Judgement alongside Princess Leia Organa and General Carlist Rieekan, which oversaw Skywalker's trial. During that trial, new evidence surfaced, demonstrating Brie's allegiance to the Empire, leading to Skywalker's acquittal and reinstatement as Commander. Subsequently, in 5 ABY, Veertag led New Republic forces onto the surface of Milagro, initiating a three-month conflict with the objective of seizing the planet's manufacturing capabilities. This engagement culminated in an Imperial withdrawal and a devastating bombardment of the planet, aimed at preventing the Republic from utilizing Milagro's resources.


Veertag was present at the ceremony honoring the Heroes of Yavin.

During the Galactic Civil War, a war between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Duron Veertag, a male Human, fought for the Alliance. By 0 BBY, he had achieved the rank of major. In that year, the Alliance destroyed the Empire's DS-1 Orbital Battle Station superweapon above the moon Yavin 4 during the Battle of Yavin. Following this victory, a ceremony took place in the Grand Audience Chamber of the Great Temple, the Alliance's headquarters on Yavin 4. Veertag was there to honor the Heroes of Yavin, including pilots like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca.

By 3 ABY, Veertag had advanced to the rank of general and was stationed at Haven Base, the Alliance's headquarters located on the planet of Arbra. In that year, Commander Skywalker unintentionally shot down Captain Shira Brie, one of his comrades, as she flew her TIE/LN starfighter directly into his line of fire during a battle against an Imperial fleet under the command of Admiral Mils Giel. Consequently, Skywalker was convicted of her murder and lost his rank.

Some days later, General Veertag, together with Princess Leia Organa and General Carlist Rieekan, formed a Triad of Judgement to preside over Skywalker's subsequent trial related to Brie's supposed death. Haven Base broadcasted the trial, which included evidence gathered by Skywalker that revealed Brie's true allegiance as an Imperial operative. For the final verdict, Veertag and the other members of the Triad activated pressure-sensitive discs in their chairs' armrests, ultimately finding Skywalker not guilty. The Triad reinstated Skywalker to the rank of commander, and Veertag shook Skywalker's hand, offering congratulations on his reinstatement.

In 5 ABY, Veertag led New Republic troops to land on the planet Milagro, hoping to seize the planet's manufacturing facilities. The resulting three-month-long conflict involved open combat between Imperial All Terrain Armored Transports and New Republic hovertanks and airspeeders, as well as subterranean battles between sappers and miners from both sides. Ultimately, Imperial forces withdrew from the planet, bombarding Milagro's surface to prevent the Republic forces from using the planet's facilities.

Personality and traits

Duron Veertag championed Luke Skywalker's innocence during the trial concerning the alleged shooting down of Captain Brie, and he reinstated Skywalker to the rank of Commander. Veertag was pleased to have Skywalker back and congratulated him with a handshake after the trial. Veertag possessed black hair and a fair complexion.

Behind the scenes

General Veertag's character was conceived for Marvel Comics' Star Wars (1977) 65, which was released on November 1, 1982. Veertag was absent from all other Star Wars media until the publication of The Essential Guide to Warfare on April 3, 2012, which also provided his first name, "Duron." Warfare's author, Jason Fry, collaborated with Leland Chee and Pablo Hidalgo to retcon Veertag as one of the unnamed Rebel extras seen during the award ceremony at the conclusion of the film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, originally released in 1977. Their efforts were showcased in the Rogues Gallery feature of Star Wars Insider's Issue 133 on May 1 of that year.

