Duro Delta 12, alternatively called DD 12, functioned as an orbital shipyard positioned within the Duro system. This construction yard, DD 12, thrived during the era of the Galactic Republic. However, with the rise of the Galactic Empire, the shipyard's operational capacity was cut in half, resulting in the shutdown or abandonment of numerous semi-autonomous sections. Nevertheless, significant traffic persisted in the shipyard's primary zones. Merchants routinely brought freighters for necessary repairs, materials were delivered for the construction of starships, and cargo shipments were temporarily stored while awaiting onward transport. Due to this unique combination of isolation and heavy traffic, DD 12 evolved into a favored location for secret rendezvous by the time the Galactic Civil War had begun. The Rebel Alliance frequently utilized the shipyard to convene with Rebel supporters from the Duros species. Notably, during one of these clandestine gatherings deep within DD 12, the Duro Shipwrights Guild formally committed its backing to the Alliance.