Dunston Karell, a Human pilot of male gender, belonged to the Gray Griffins. This scouting team worked for the Rebel Alliance throughout the Galactic Civil War. Following an agreement between the Alliance and the Radell Mining Corporation, Karell and his fellow Griffins were dispatched to conduct reconnaissance for RMC, leading to their discovery of the planet Alluuvia in the Elrood sector. Unfortunately, The Scourge, a pirate group active in that area, ambushed the Griffins' 3-Z light freighter, the Whisper, resulting in the capture of Karell and the other Gray Griffins. The captured scouts were held prisoner at The Scourge's base located on the planet Dega, where they suffered from malnutrition due to their harsh treatment. Ultimately, Alliance operatives successfully liberated them, and Karell, along with his rescued teammates, were then taken to the planet Elrood to get the medical care they needed.