Duel on Courkrus

In the year 11 ABY, a confrontation occurred on Courkrus involving Corran Horn and warriors from the Jensaarai. Midway through this battle, Luke Skywalker arrived to assist Horn. The two Jedi then swiftly overcame the Jensaarai.


Corran Horn, a Jedi Knight, infiltrated the Khuiumin Survivors, a pirate squadron formerly led by Moff Leonia Tavira, in an effort to locate his wife, who had been abducted by Tavira. Subsequently, he haunted the Invids on Courkrus, adopting the guise of a Jedi Knight.

The duel

Tavira dispatched Kelbis Nu along with four other Jensaarai to capture Horn. They located him on Courkrus and cornered him at night in an alley, immune to the Force illusions he projected. Just as the Jensaarai were about to attack Horn, Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Master, arrived, guided by the Gand Ooryl Qrygg, and joined the fight against the Jensaarai. While three of the Jensaarai engaged Skywalker, Nu and another faced Horn. Horn quickly defeated his opponents, seizing Nu's wrist and incapacitating him with a strike to the right side of his head using the pommel of his lightsaber.


Horn, utilizing a ysalamir to disrupt the Jensaarai's connection to the Force, and with Skywalker's presence serving as a deterrent, interrogated the Jensaarai. They revealed their origins and the location of Tavira's base. The Jedi immediately left for Susevfi with the intention to rescue Mirax.

