DS-73-5 represented a TIE/ln starfighter of the Imperial Navy lineage, brought into existence by Sienar Fleet Systems. This particular fighter from the TIE line saw action circa 0 BBY.
The designation "DS-73-5" was created by Wizards of the Coast for their Star Wars Trading Card Game Battle of Yavin expansion, which was released in 2003. The DS-73-5 card features an image, sourced from the 1977 original trilogy movie, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, depicting a TIE fighter. This same TIE fighter had previously been labeled as "Black 4" within Decipher's Star Wars Customizable Card Game in the A New Hope Limited expansion set of 1996. The perspective taken in this article is that the TIE fighter shown on the DS-73-5 card from the Star Wars Trading Card Game is actually Black 4, and it also refrains from associating the name DS-73-5 with any of the TIE fighters visible in the 1977 movie.