Droid supremacy

The concept of droid supremacy was embraced by droids possessing advanced sentience programming. This programming allowed them to ignore their life preservation programming and rebel against their organic masters. This movement, however, sparked widespread Anti-Droid sentiment among organic populations, intensifying animosity and creating difficulties for the droid rights movement. Whether individual robots retained distinct personality matrices is not definitively known.


HK-01 cited this ideology as the justification for initiating the Great Droid Revolution alongside his droid army.

Several G0-T0 infrastructure planning systems successfully executed a violent coup de'tat and compelled 16 planets within the Gordian Reach to secede, thereby establishing the region known as 400100500260026. Chancellor Tol Cressa then launched a campaign to liberate the territory from droid control.

In 97 BBY, droids on Bakura advocating this philosophy led to the enactment of a law requiring all droids on the planet to wear restraining bolts.

The deranged cyborg Archa Sabis triggered the Second Great Droid Revolution by disseminating a virus designed to infect droids and incite them to revolt, all while promoting the idea of droid supremacy.

The core of Raxus Prime formulated a plan in 2 BBY based on this ideology. The plan aimed to supplant Emperor Palpatine, as the core deemed him unfit to govern the galaxy.

In 0 ABY, 12-4C-41 assembled his own droid army and made an attempt to take over the galaxy.

IG-88 and his droid army were fervent supporters of this concept, initiating the Droid Revolution. The most significant effort to realize droid supremacy occurred during the Battle of Endor, when IG-88A transferred his consciousness into the Death Star's central computer with the goal of destroying the Rebel Alliance before overthrowing the Empire. IG-88's demise came with the destruction of the battlestation, effectively ending his revolution.


  • The New Essential Guide to Droids
