Drogen Hosh was a Human male who held the rank of commander within the Separatist Droid Army, serving the Confederacy of Independent Systems as the Galactic Republic neared its end. He fought in the Clone Wars, leading Separatist troops in an assault upon Argul, a planet in the Mid Rim allied with the Republic. During this battle, Hosh's forces encircled a mesa that housed the last Republic-controlled starship docking tower on the planet, and destroyed the final Republic transport there. Observing the aftermath of the crash with electrobinoculars, Hosh noticed Jedi assisting survivors using a stairwell carved into the mesa's side. He conceived a plan to use this stairwell to attack the mesa, launching his assault under the cover of darkness. The following morning, Hosh contacted the Padawans leading the Republic forces on the mesa, attempting to negotiate a ceasefire, as he believed a full-scale attack would result in civilian casualties.
Drogen Hosh, a Human male, lived as the Galactic Republic was drawing to a close, serving the Confederacy of Independent Systems as a commander within the Separatist Droid Army. During the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Confederacy and the Republic, Hosh commanded Confederate forces in their attack on the Mid Rim planet of Argul.
The fighting on Argul was intense, leading the Republic to start evacuating Argullian citizens from the war-torn cities. However, Hosh dispatched battle droids to advance into Lumica—the world's [capital](/article/capital-legends] city—and surround a mesa where the last Republic-held starship docking tower on Argul was located. There, the commander's droid artillery destroyed the planet's last Republic transport, an Acclamator-class assault ship attempting to evacuate refugees. Observing the crash's aftermath through electrobinoculars, Hosh saw Jedi breach a stairwell in the mesa's side to reach the crash site and rescue survivors. Knowing about the stairwells leading to the mesa's top, Hosh devised a plan to seize the mesa and docking tower by sending troops up the stairs. Correctly assuming the stairwells were blocked at ground level and believing the Jedi would further block them if they saw his forces excavating, he sent a platoon of battle droids to excavate a stairwell under the cover of smoke from the wrecked Acclamator, allowing them to work undetected by Republic forces.
As night fell, Hosh initiated the next phase of his plan, sending a dropship to the mesa to deploy 12 Single Trooper Aerial Platforms, while 36 battle droids ascended the landform via the unblocked stairwell. He ordered the droids to capture the docking facility's control tower and everyone inside, suspecting that important Argullian officials were sheltering there. However, Republic forces and a group of Jedi Padawans mobilized to fight the droids.
The following morning, at dawn, Hosh sent a holographic message to the Padawans on the mesa, proposing a ceasefire. Believing a full-scale assault would cause civilian casualties, Hosh offered to halt the Separatist attack and allow Republic forces and Argullians to leave the world when Republic transports returned. In return, he requested the Jedi hand over all ranking Argullian officials to the Separatist forces and allow the world to secede to the Confederacy. To convince the Jedi of his sincerity, Hosh offered himself as a hostage, claiming he would fly to the docking tower in his personal shuttle, sign a treaty with the Argullians, then surrender himself to the Jedi until the Republic transports returned. He even offered to deliver food and medical supplies to the Argullian refugees on the mesa if the Jedi accepted his proposal.
The Jedi refused Hosh's offer, disappointing him. Nevertheless, he admired their tenacity and said he would have done the same in their position. Shortly after, he launched a full-scale attack on the mesa, sending battle droids to attack from all sides. However, Grand Master Yoda arrived on Argul with Republic reinforcements, turning the tide of battle in the Republic's favor and ultimately leading to the defeat of Confederate forces on the planet.
Drogen Hosh was generally sincere and agreeable, disliking unnecessary deaths or harm to innocent people. However, he was a ruthless tactician, willing to sacrifice innocent lives during the final stages of the battle on Argul if it meant achieving victory for the Confederacy.
Hosh considered the Jedi brave and honorable, appreciating the significance of lightsabers to their order. Yet, he viewed the Republic as corrupt and believed that by following Supreme Chancellor [Palpatine](/article/palpatine-legends]'s commands, the Jedi Order had forgotten its true purpose of maintaining peace.
During the Argul campaign, Hosh wore a military uniform. He was bilingual, speaking both Basic and Pak Pak, the language of the Neimoidians.
Drogen Hosh, created by J.D. Wiker, appeared in the 2004 role-playing supplement Only the Force. In this supplement, players role-play as the Jedi Padawans to whom Hosh offers a ceasefire. If Administrator Mozim, the highest-ranking Argullian official remaining on Argul, is present when the Jedi receive Hosh's message, Mozim urges them to reject the commander's offer. If the Jedi choose to accept Hosh's offer, they can then force Mozim to agree to surrender to the commander.
If the players surrender to Hosh, he keeps his promises. He goes to the docking tower, handles Argul's formal surrender, then presents his blaster to the Jedi and enters their custody. Afterward, Hosh orders Separatist forces to deliver medical supplies, medical droids, and food to the mesa, asking the Jedi and their clone troopers to disarm in return. He then takes charge of the Jedi's lightsabers, promising to keep them safe until their departure. Hosh also tries to persuade the Jedi to join the Confederacy, and if any agree, he arranges for their transport off Argul before the arrival of Republic transports and Master Yoda. Any Jedi who join the Separatist cause are later introduced by Hosh to Count Dooku, the Confederacy's leader.