Dri'kill Ba'al was a Sith of the male persuasion and Human species, serving as one of many apprentices under Darth Baras within the ranks of the Sith Empire. His base of operations was the Sith's primary planet, Dromund Kaas.
During the period known as the Cold War, Baras dispatched him to penetrate the estate belonging to the disobedient Sith Lord named Grathan. Ba'al achieved this objective, discovering the Sith's most vulnerable point: his offspring, Beelzlit Grathan.
Baras then deployed a particularly powerful Sith Warrior to Lord Grathan's estate with orders to eliminate Beelzlit. Upon encountering this rival, Ba'al disregarded the Warrior, seeing them as a mere brute before dispatching them on their assignment. After the Warrior's return, Ba'al determined that he needed to eliminate this rival to secure his position. He then alerted the guards within the estate. Sadly for Ba'al, he was no match for the Warrior, who swiftly killed him.
The voice acting for Dri'kill Ba'al is provided by Adam Howden.