Donoslane Excursions

Donoslane Excursions, a transport firm, was established by Myn Donos alongside Kirney Slane, originally named "Gara Petothel" but who also went by the name "Lara Notsil."

In 40 ABY, Donoslane secured a lease for a portion of the Behareh Spaceport found in Coronet on the planet Corellia. A short, furry alien served as the co-pilot on the manager's private Lambda-class shuttle.

Wraith Squadron was saved from Vandor-3 in 44 ABY when Kirney Slane employed a Donoslane shuttle for the rescue mission.

Behind the scenes

The name Donoslane, while not explicitly stated in the novel, is derived from Myn Donos and Kirney Slane, which was an assumed name of Gara Petothel following the obliteration of the Iron Fist. Author Aaron Allston has mentioned that they became a couple after the events in X-Wing: Solo Command. It is clear, however, that the co-pilot of Kirney's shuttle is intended to be Kolot.

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008, finally and officially confirmed Allston's suggestion about who owned the company, but Kolot's involvement is still only hinted at.

