Don-Wan Kihotay, originally named Hess Korrin, was a male Human strong in the Force, who worked as a librarian on the planet Obroa-skai. Korrin was obsessed with the Jedi Order that had fallen. He spent his free time engrossed in their history and lore, nurturing a deep desire to become a Jedi Knight. When the Imperial Security Bureau closed the antiquities wing where Korrin worked on Obroa-skai, he lost his grip on reality and transformed into "Don-Wan Kihotay," a warrior wielding a lightsaber who truly believed himself to be a Jedi.
Managing to avoid the ISB, he ended up on Aduba-3, where he became a source of amusement for the local spacers. Later, Kihotay became a member of the Star-Hoppers of Aduba-3, an unlikely team formed by Captain Han Solo to defend the town of Onacra against the Cloud-Riders led by Serji-X Arrogantus. Kihotay fought in the defense of the town and even fought against a massive Sithspawn. He eventually died on Telos IV, at a medical station that was attacked by the bounty hunter Beilert Valance.
Hess Korrin, a male Human, was employed as a librarian on the academic world of Obroa-skai. His job was to catalogue antiquities, a task that often left him alone. Korrin dedicated years to studying the Jedi Order, becoming a devoted fanatic and a knowledgeable expert on all things related to them. He started to indulge in elaborate fantasies, which weakened his connection to reality. Korrin was caught off guard when the Imperial Security Bureau mandated the closure of Obroa-skai's antiquities section due to supposed "public safety concerns." The bureau proceeded to destroy Korrin's entire workplace.
This event caused Korrin to completely lose his sanity. He became fixated on preserving the memory of the Jedi Order, believing it was his sacred responsibility to continue their fight for peace and justice throughout the galaxy. He took on the identity of "Don-Wan Kihotay" to symbolize his new mission, and armed himself with a lightsaber with a yellow blade, a replica of Jedi armor, and Jedi robes. Under the rule of Emperor Palpatine's Galactic Empire, these views and actions were considered heretical. Kihotay's Ithorian manager recognized the danger and secretly arranged for Kihotay to be transported off-world to avoid execution. However, the ISB pursued them, and the manager was killed by ISB agents on the planet Aduba-3, who remained unaware of Kihotay's existence.
Kihotay, dressed in his Jedi armor and wielding his lightsaber, wandered around Aduba-3. The local spacers found him to be harmless and were amused by his outdated behavior. In 0 ABY, Kihotay learned that a group was forming in the spaceport of Tun Aduban. He went to Locru's Central Saloon and waited in line to be interviewed for a spot in the group. All he knew was that the group was being formed to protect the innocent. Introducing himself as a Jedi Knight, Kihotay was informed by his interviewer, Han Solo, that the Jedi had been outlawed since the rise of the Galactic Empire. Despite this, Kihotay insisted on his claim and ignited his lightsaber, hoping to be included in Solo's "holy mission" to prove himself worthy of the Jedi Knights. The old man knelt before Solo, and the Corellian agreed to let him join, but only if he swore to uphold the Galactic Republic and act as a "defender of the right." Kihotay pledged his loyalty and assured Solo that he would not disappoint the group, before being interrupted by a grumpy Lepi, Jaxxon, who was next in line for an interview.

The following day at dawn, Kihotay gathered with the rest of Solo's group—Jaxxon, the Wookiee Chewbacca, the Human female Amaiza Foxtrain, the Spiner Hedji, the young Jimm Doshun—also known as "the Starkiller Kid," and the tractor-robot FE-9Q. As they assembled, a group of skyspeeders piloted by Serji-X Arrogantus and the Cloud-Riders gang approached. Solo explained to the group that they would be defending the farming village of Onacra from Arrogantus and his thugs. Solo and Arrogantus exchanged words and threats before the Cloud-Riders flew away. The group mounted banthas and rode towards Onacra. Kihotay, in particular, wore his Jedi armor and carried a lance. As they neared the village, Doshun, who was from Onacra, pointed out a pack of attacking high-hounds ahead. Solo led the group into battle, and they engaged the predators. Kihotay drew his lightsaber and managed to kill one of the creatures, while Solo saved a local farmgirl, Merri Shen Doshun.
Eventually, the group reached Onacra and stabled their banthas. Solo put them and the villagers to work building makeshift defenses against Arrogantus's inevitable attack. Once the defenses were complete, the group gathered, and Jaxxon noticed the Cloud-Hoppers, led by Arrogantus, approaching. Kihotay fought the attackers with his lightsaber, before Solo and Chewbacca requested support from him and Foxtrain. Foxtrain quickly took down one Cloud-Rider, but another grabbed her from behind. Enraged by the assault on Foxtrain, Kihotay rushed to her defense, cutting down his attacker in the name of justice. However, he failed to notice a skyspeeder approaching from behind. Kihotay was struck in the back by a blaster bolt and fell, bidding Foxtrain farewell. His armor absorbed the impact, and the old man survived.
Adding to the chaos was the appearance of the Behemoth from the World Below, a massive creature resistant to blasters that could fire powerful blasts of lightning from an organ on its head. The group regrouped but was forced to scatter when the creature caused a landslide. It became clear that the Behemoth was only attacking the Cloud-Riders and was being controlled by a villager known as the Old One, who hoped to use the beast to drive away the marauders. Kihotay noted that while his armor had protected him from a blaster bolt, it would likely be useless against the Behemoth. Solo advised him to stay behind the nearby rocks for cover. When both Arrogantus and the Old One were trampled by the Behemoth, Doshun pointed out that the Behemoth would likely go on a rampage and destroy Onacra. Despite Foxtrain's disagreement, who believed that their obligation was fulfilled with Arrogantus gone, the group remained together. After Jaxxon's failed attempt to destroy the creature alone, Kihotay secretly separated himself from the others, believing that only a Jedi Knight could defeat the Behemoth, and prepared to confront it himself.

Ignoring his fellow group members, Kihotay challenged the Behemoth. He attracted the beast's attention, and despite the despairing cries of the others, he advanced towards the monster. It fired a blast at him, which missed. Determined to destroy the beast, the old man continued his approach. Another blast missed Kihotay, and Hedji approached, urging the old man to accept reality and realize that he could not survive against the beast. Kihotay insisted that the Spiner should not interfere with his quest to slay the monster. Nevertheless, Hedji fired a barrage of quills at the beast—it responded by obliterating the Spiner. Undeterred, Kihotay continued his approach once more, until Solo intervened, taking the lightsaber from the old man's grip. The old man considered this blasphemous, but Solo successfully plunged the weapon into the Behemoth's chest, causing it to disintegrate. Assured that the power of the Force was with them, Kihotay watched as the monster was defeated. Victorious, the group regrouped and was paid by the villagers. Doshun stayed with his people, but the rest of the group rode off on banthas.
The Behemoth was, in fact, a Sithspawn created by the Sith Lord Seviss Vaa, a sworn enemy of the Jedi Order, during the New Sith Wars. Kihotay eventually became ill, and his delusion consumed him. He went to Anglebay Station on the planet Telos IV, where he received treatment for his condition. The station was later attacked by a group of thugs led by the bounty hunter Beilert Valance. As the thugs entered Kihotay's room, he believed they had come to bring him his lightsaber. He announced that he was ready to fight alongside Han Solo and the Star-Hoppers of Aduba-3 once more. He mentioned a "boy" who had a "droid"—referring to Jimm Doshun and FE-9Q, respectively—but Valance's thugs misinterpreted his words as a reference to Luke Skywalker and his droids R2-D2 and C-3PO, the individuals Valance was hunting. Kihotay then fell silent, and the station was destroyed. Kihotay died as a result. Two years later, historian Voren Na'al profiled him for the Alliance to Restore the Republic's historical records. Na'al considered Kihotay to be the most peculiar member of Solo's team. The group would later be known as the Star-Hoppers of Aduba-3 and were the subject of a holodocumentary produced by Tri-Nebula Entertainment.

Kihotay, or Korrin, was deeply fascinated by the stories of the Jedi—their way of life, culture, and purpose—and became an expert on the order. His obsession was so intense that he began to imagine himself as a Jedi, blurring the line between reality and fiction. When the ISB destroyed his antiquities wing, Korrin fully embraced his Kihotay persona, never returning to his original self. He genuinely believed he was a Jedi Knight and saw it as his duty to uphold their ideals. Therefore, he vowed to support the Republic and defend the innocent against injustice. He felt that failing to do so would make him unworthy of the title of Jedi Knight. He and those around him believed him to be the last of the Jedi. His sense of chivalry and righteousness was triggered when the attractive Amaiza Foxtrain was mistreated by a brute, prompting Kihotay to take action. Kihotay also saw it as his mission to destroy the emerging Behemoth from the World Below and considered himself superior to mercenaries like Han Solo. When Solo wielded Kihotay's lightsaber, the old man protested, viewing the act as blasphemy against the sacred ritual of the Jedi.
Although Force-sensitive, Kihotay had a notably low midi-chlorian count. If it had been higher, he likely would have joined the Jedi Order he admired and would have been killed along with them. He possessed the ability to perform mind tricks. Kihotay could also read and write Basic, Cerean, and Zabraki. In combat, Kihotay effectively used his yellow-bladed lightsaber against high-hounds.
Don-Wan Kihotay first appeared in Star Wars (1977) 8 (1978), written by Roy Thomas and Howard Chaykin. The character was later killed off by Archie Goodwin in Star Wars (1977) 16 (1978). Kihotay was identified as an "oddity" of the Star Wars line from Marvel Comics in the article "Comic Marvels" (2006), written by Jason Fry.
The character's inspiration comes from the main insane "Knight-Errant" character from the famous novel "Don Quixote" written by classic Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes. The novel was released in two parts, in 1605 and 1615, and is regarded as one of the most important pieces of literature from the Spanish Golden Age and the entire Spanish language literary collection.