Docking Bay 74

Docking Bay 74, a docking area situated at the edge of the Senate Plaza within the Coruscant Spaceport, was found on Coruscant, the capital planet of the Galactic Republic. Back in 3643 BBY, General Var Suthra, a Mon Calamari, made arrangements for a Defender-class light corvette to be delivered to this docking bay. This was for a young Jedi Knight who needed it to journey to Ord Mantell, as part of the Jedi's assignment to prevent Darth Angral, a Sith Lord, from deploying stolen superweapons against the Republic. The Coruscant Spaceport Authority also gave the Jedi Knight permission to keep using the docking bay for their ship whenever the Jedi's crew came back to Coruscant in the following years.

Behind the scenes

The Jedi Knight mission "New Intelligence" in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a MMORPG that BioWare launched in 2011, was the first appearance of Docking Bay 74. For the remainder of the game, it acts as the standard hangar for Jedi Knight players upon their return to Coruscant.

