Dobll refers to a quartet of BFF-1 bulk freighters that were involved in the transfer of provisions during the Alliance to Restore the Republic's retreat from their Yavin 4 based when the Galactic Empire assaulted it in 0 BBY. These freighters accompanied Crescent, a Corvette Group, during the base's abandonment. Sadly, all of them were obliterated by Imperial Assault Gunboats.
Because of the lost provisions, the Rebel Alliance was in need of resources. This need resulted in Operation Grain Snatch, where they stole provisions from Overlord Ghorin and gave tainted grain back to the Galactic Empire.
Within the game, there's a chance to potentially rescue some of the freighters. By drastically increasing the speed of the player's ship, it's possible to fend off the attackers before they can destroy all four ships. Despite this possibility, the complete destruction of all four freighters is pre-determined and represents the official outcome of the attack.