During the Age of the Empire, a Sakiyan bounty hunter, who was male, named Djas Puhr operated. He was linked to the smuggler Han Solo and was often seen inside Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina on the planet of Tatooine.
The background of Djas Puhr, a male Sakiyan who had abandoned his homeworld, was largely unknown. Rumors circulated that he was once a slave who had escaped the slave pits controlled by Hutt Cartel gangster Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Regardless of the truth, Puhr deeply resented the crime lord and would not accept bounties from his organization.
Puhr maintained a connection with smuggler Han Solo and Chewbacca, his first mate. They had an arrangement where Solo would provide him with gwayo bird eggs—a delicacy from Puhr's home planet—along with his regular shipment of spice for Jabba. On one such delivery, Solo had to jettison his spice to evade capture by the Galactic Empire. This resulted in Jabba placing a 50,000-credit bounty on Solo's head, which put his agreement with Puhr in jeopardy.

Puhr could be found in the spaceport of Mos Eisley on Tatooine in 0 BBY. He was a well-known patron of Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, considering it his usual haunt. The bounty hunter frequently shared a table with Myo, Muftak, and Kabe, a group whose company he enjoyed, despite their quirks.
Around that time, Myo hired him to recover a prized kloo horn. The Abyssin had won it from Lirin Car'n in a card game the previous night, only to lose it himself while intoxicated. Car'n, a member of the Modal Nodes house band (and the son of the horn's previous owner, the esteemed Lirin D'avi), was in dire need of money to settle a debt with Rodian bounty hunter Greedo. Therefore, Lirin Car'n also contracted Puhr for the same mission, promising two hundred credits upon its return.
The Sakiyan bounty hunter easily located the horn, which Muftak and Kabe had stolen and sold to cover their rent. He retrieved it from the Scrapper. After a brief encounter with Han Solo and Chewbacca (during which he warned them about the bounty on their heads), he went back to his usual table. During a lively discussion among his companions, it became clear that the smuggler Solo's failure to deliver his cargo of narcotics to Muftak was the source of the group's troubles. Aware that Greedo intended to collect Solo's bounty that same day, Puhr bet on the smuggler's survival, promising to settle the group's various debts himself if Solo lived.
Greedo's attempt was unsuccessful, and he was killed by Solo after his henchmen, Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba, were taken out of action by a third party. Puhr, pleased with the outcome and the fairness of the universe, produced Car'n's kloo horn, resolving the situation and essentially paying off his friends' "debts."
Djas Puhr was a proficient tracker, thanks to his species' sharp senses and swift reactions. He effortlessly recovered Lirin D'avi's kloo horn from a Scrapper for his friend Lirin Car'n. Puhr approached his work as a bounty hunter with professionalism, carefully evaluating each situation. He would even wager on the outcome, sometimes simply to contemplate the underlying philosophy.
While Puhr held onto some nostalgia for his [homeworld](/article/homeworld], he generally avoided forming close bonds with others, including his drinking companions at Chalmun's Cantina. He believed that personal attachments were dangerous, if not impossible, in his profession. Nevertheless, Puhr found the concept of friendship intriguing and viewed Han Solo's gwayo egg smuggling as a reckless yet admirable and thoughtful gesture.
Despite his work on Tatooine, Puhr harbored a strong dislike for Jabba Desilijic Tiure and refused to accept bounties from him. He held other hunters who did so, such as Greedo, in disdain. He also disliked the Empire and compared the Imperial Navy to a "refuse fleet."
Djas Puhr made his debut in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. His name was first revealed in the now-Star Wars Legends Star Wars Customizable Card Game.