Buzz droid missiles, also referred to as Discord missiles, were powered missiles propelled by jet engines. These missiles were deployed from droid tri-fighters, vulture droids, and droid gunships, housing as many as seven Pistoeka sabotage droids. Upon launch, they skillfully navigated through enemy defenses using maneuvering thrusters. Upon reaching their intended target, the missile would open, unleashing a swarm of buzz droids that employed their mechanical appendages and cutting implements to dismantle opposing ships and droids, with the goal of inflicting maximum damage.

Discord missiles represented a form of guided missile weaponry utilized by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the period of the Clone Wars. They could be launched from platforms like vulture droids, HMP droid gunships, and droid tri-fighters. Unlike conventional missiles that detonate upon impact, these missiles released a cluster of Pistoeka sabotage droids to directly engage and take apart enemy starfighters and droids. The missiles were equipped with an internal reactor that provided sufficient fuel for a flight duration of two minutes, enabling accelerations exceeding 10,000 G. Furthermore, their thruster could be angled, allowing for extremely sharp turns, aided by numerous stabilizer fins. These characteristics enabled the weapons to surpass the speed and maneuverability of almost all manned starships, evade anti-missile countermeasures, and reliably deliver their payload of up to seven sabotage droids. Their accuracy and destructive capability in combat were further enhanced by a homing system and guidance instruments situated on the missile's nose.
The initial appearance of discord missiles occurred in the 2005 prequel trilogy movie, Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Later, they were first identified in the 2015 reference work Ultimate Star Wars, which was published by Dorling Kindersley.