The Disciples of Shaa, an age-old collective of Seylotts, resided on the planet named after their species. Their faith centered around Shaa, whom they represented through two effigies: the Mother and the Infant of Shaa. These statues were meticulously protected by the Disciples, due to their belief that the statues' unleashed power held the capacity to obliterate an entire planet, thus earning it the moniker "Destroyer of Worlds."
In the time leading up to the Clone Wars, General Ashaar Khorda hired Jango Fett with the task of recovering the Infant statue. Khorda's intention was to harness the Infant's power to annihilate, or in Ashaar's perspective, euthanize Coruscant and the Galactic Republic. Fett successfully obtained the statue, but was later persuaded by his rival, Zam Wesell, to give the statue back in an effort to preserve Coruscant. Once they had it again, the bounty hunters gave it back to the Disciples.