
Ding was a stormtrooper who was created as a clone and served the Galactic Empire following the conclusion of the Clone Wars. Stationed as part of a garrison, Ding, along with fellow clone known as "Kicker," was given the duty of removing Jedi artifacts from the Jedi outpost called Brighthome, which was located in the Mid Rim. During Darth Vader's attack on the outpost, Ding made an attempt on the Dark Lord of the Sith's life by launching a grenade at him. However, Darth Vader deflected the grenade and subsequently used the Force-choke ability to kill the clone death.


In the early days of the Galactic Empire's reign, Ding, accompanied by a small contingent of clone troopers, received orders to go to the Mid Rim Jedi space station called Brighthome. Their mission was to take stock of the Jedi artifacts stored there. Growing weary of the task, Ding once picked up a lightsaber with a green blade and jokingly impersonated a Jedi, only to be scolded by his comrade, Kicker. When Darth Vader launched an assault on the space station, Ding and the other clone stormtroopers hurried to defend it from the Sith Lord, but they were ultimately defeated. Ding's attempt to eliminate Vader with a grenade failed when the Sith blocked it, leading to the trooper's death by Force-choke.

Personality and traits

Ding jokingly pretended to be a Jedi.

Like all [clone troopers](/article/clone_trooper], Ding was a clone derived from the bounty hunter Jango Fett, standing at a height of 1.83 meters and identified as a human. Ding found the assignment aboard the Brighthome to be tedious, expressing his belief that the mission would eventually lead to their demise after completing one hundred tasks. To inject some amusement into the situation, Ding grabbed a green-bladed lightsaber and playfully acted like a Jedi.


Ding was equipped with white Phase II clone trooper armor and had bandages wrapped around both of his arms. While working on archiving on the Brighthome, Ding amused himself by handling a green-bladed lightsaber. He later utilized a blaster rifle.

Behind the scenes

Ding made his first appearance in Darth Vader (2017) 2, a 2017 canon comic book that was written by Charles Soule and illustrated by Giuseppe Camuncoli. In several panels of the comic, the speech bubbles belonging to Ding and Kicker are mistakenly interchanged.

