Desstious, the planet of origin for the Human male Par Lankin, who entered the world in 50 BBY, existed within the Desstious system. This world was situated in the Lambda sector of the Trailing Sectors, found in the Mid Rim. The birthplace of Lankin was identified within Wanted by Cracken, a datafile released in 7 ABY that consisted of compiled reports detailing various dangers to the New Republic.
The 1993 sourcebook Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement, Wanted by Cracken, authored by Louis J. Prosperi and published by West End Games, first made reference to Desstious. The Desstious system, and consequently Desstious, was located at grid coordinates P-16 in the 2009 reference work, The Essential Atlas.
- The initial mention of this location appeared in Wanted by Cracken.