Denri Ayl was once a Human male nobleman hailing from Alderaan. He relinquished his noble status to serve as a go-between for Alderaan's various noble houses, such as House Organa, House Thul, and House Cortess. His ultimate goal was to restore tranquility to Alderaan and bring an end to the ongoing Alderaan Civil War.
Around the year 3643 BBY, Imperial Intelligence came to the conclusion that a significant financial supporter of "The Eagle," a terrorist leader vowing to destroy the Sith Empire, was located somewhere on Alderaan. The Eagle had also apparently assassinated Darth Jadus, a member of the Dark Council. Consequently, Imperial Intelligence dispatched their up-and-coming agent, known as Cipher Nine, to Alderaan with the mission of finding this individual. With assistance from Joiner emissary Vector Hyllus and, after some initial conflict, House Cortess, Cipher Nine managed to uncover Ayl's records within the libraries of House Alde. These records confirmed that Ayl was indeed the person they sought.
Cipher Nine discovered that Ayl was currently within the halls of House Rist, the feared assassins of Alderaan. Gaining entry into the secure section of House Rist, Cipher Nine confronted Ayl. Ayl expressed his belief that the Eagle's efforts to dismantle the Empire would ultimately bring about the peace he desired for Alderaan. Following a short confrontation, Cipher Nine killed Ayl. Ayl's final words were to accuse his killer of being ignorant to the necessity of his actions. It was later revealed that Baroness Chay, the lady of House Cortess, had also been an ally of the Eagle, and had sent him to House Rist to gain their support for the Eagle's terrorist network. Shortly thereafter, House Cortess was eliminated under Cipher Nine's orders.