Denarii Station, situated in the Gordian Reach sector of the Outer Rim Territories' Trans-Hydian region, functioned as a base containing laboratories and living quarters. This station was located within the Denarii Nebula, the highly ionized gaseous remains of the Denarii system. The Denarii system was a double-star system that met its end during the Great Hyperspace War in 5000 BBY, when the Sith Lord Naga Sadow destroyed it. Initially, astrophysicists utilized it for nebula research, but it became abandoned for centuries prior to 43 ABY. Despite this, the station continued to serve as a refuge for those in dire straits.
The initial appearance of Denarii Station, along with its originating system, occurred in the 2009 publication The Essential Atlas, authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry. It was featured on the Gordian Reach sector map. A concise description of the station was also included in the map's accompanying list, which detailed the planets within the Gordian Reach. The Essential Atlas assigned the coordinates P-6 to the station on the grid.