
Demnadi was a world situated within the Mid Rim region, specifically in the Far Xandil sector. This planet existed during the era of the Galactic Civil War, a period marked by a planet-wide riot on Demnadi. Governor Cathers, an Imperial official, attributed the riot to the machinations of the local Rebel Alliance cells. The Empire's response was to deploy the CompForce Demnadi Relief Operation, a force comprised solely of a single man, Major Fenris Sarhl, with the mission of restoring order.


Within the Trailing Sectors portion of the Mid Rim, the Far Xandil sector contained the Demnadi system. Located within this system was the planet called Demnadi.


As a component of the Galactic Empire, Demnadi housed the office of Governor Cathers, the Imperial administrator for the region. During the Galactic Civil War, several Rebel Alliance-aligned groups were active on Demnadi. Eventually, a planet-wide riot broke out, an event that Cathers believed was instigated by these Rebel factions. The rioters even launched an assault on Cathers' office, though the time of the attack found the governor absent.

Cathers' report of the riot prompted the Empire to dispatch a regiment to re-establish control. Included in this force was the CompForce Demnadi Relief Operation, uniquely composed of just one man, CompForce Major Fenris Sarhl. Sarhl presented himself to Cathers in his office, at which point the governor voiced his satisfaction with the Imperial relief sent to Demnadi. However, Cathers' confusion arose when Sarhl clarified that he was the sole member of the CompForce Demnadi Relief Operation. The CompForce major then explained that Cathers' message had indicated "only" one riot was occurring.

Behind the scenes

The planet Demnadi made an appearance in "Just One Planetary Riot!," a brief narrative included in Heroes & Rogues. This was a 1995 sourcebook for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, authored by Paul Sudlow and Rick Stuart. In 2009, the reference book The Essential Atlas specified the location of the Demnadi system, and consequently the planet Demnadi, as grid square P-16.

