Deluge Experiment

The Deluge Experiment represented an initiative undertaken by the Corporate Sector Authority with the objective of changing the climate on the planet of Nyriaan.

The project

During the era of the Galactic Republic, Nyriaan was subject to colonization, leading to the establishment of various mines for the extraction of madilon ore. However, significant challenges arose from the planet's severe storms, impeding starship landings and conventional communication methods. Consequently, as the Republic neared its end, the Corporate Sector Authority launched the Deluge Experiment. This plan aimed to neutralize the ionospheric storms by condensing all atmospheric moisture, causing widespread flooding. While this strategy promised to resolve communication and operational difficulties hindering mining activities on Nyriaan, thus boosting CSA profits, it also posed a major threat to the planet's ecology and population centers.

After several decades of investigation, the Deluge Experiment was initiated, shrouded in secrecy from higher-ups within the CSA to shield them from potential legal repercussions should the project result in significant loss of life. Although project scientists anticipated a gradual rise in floodwaters, allowing for evacuation, concerns arose that the experiment could trigger a single, massive storm capable of rapidly engulfing the planet and drowning the majority of Nyriaan's inhabitants. A sizable device, resembling a vaporator and designated as the Deluge Device, was erected atop the Final Rest plateau, one of the planet's highest elevations. Control of the machine was managed from a nearby command center.

Eventually, news of the Deluge Experiment reached the Galactic Republic, prompting the dispatch of Republic agents Klieri and Yrssk to investigate. The CSA assassinated Klieri and corrupted Yrssk, compelling him to betray the Republic. In response, the Republic dispatched more operatives to halt the Deluge Experiment. Simultaneously, the CSA activated the Deluge Device, generating numerous tempests around Final Rest, leading to climate alterations, large cyclones, and intense rainfall. Subsequently, the Republic operatives journeyed to Final Rest, attempting to deactivate the Deluge Device.

