Deena Behar

Deena Behar, a Corellian woman of the Human species, served as an aide to Councilor Belos throughout the Galactic War.


In 3640 BBY during the Battle of Corellia, Belos came to regret his initial choice to bring the Sith Empire to the planet and started collaborating with the Galactic Republic to reverse the effects of his decision. He told General Aves and Cole Cantarus that droids created by Danison Varik were eliminating Republic forces in the Labor Valley area of Coronet City. Belos orchestrated a meeting between Deena Behar and a Republic individual, with the intention of providing her with the details needed to halt the droid manufacturing. Deena's detailed strategy involved turning on the Beharen Droid Factory by powering up the generators in the Hellfire region, so that disaster relief droids could be produced and used to breach the durasteel doors guarding Varik's lab. Once all the instructions were communicated, Deena left, leaving the Republic citizen to carry out the plan.

