Decree E49D139.41

Decree E49D139.41, a legislative act enacted by the Galactic Senate throughout the Clone Wars, placed limitations on military cloning operations, restricting them to particular planets and corporate entities. The document released by the Republic Legal Review stated:

"The cloning of sentient beings for purposes outside of military applications is hereby forbidden. Military cloning activities are to be restricted to facilities authorized by the Republic, including those operated by the Kaminoan government and any other entities designated by the Republic, both presently and at any point while the conflict is ongoing. Included in this restriction are the provision of cloning resources, the employment or contracting of cloning experts and genetic engineers to execute cloning procedures, and the acquisition of sentient beings created through cloning. Exceptions: Khomm, Lur, Columus, and Arkania are permitted to proceed with therapeutic medical cloning, provided they possess the necessary permits granted on an individual basis."

On 14:7:01 of the date, a publication from the CIS Shadowfeed voiced disapproval of the decree, arguing that it exhibited a lack of foresight and had detrimental consequences for the economies of numerous Republic-affiliated planets, notably the Deep Core planet of Khomm. Furthermore, the legislation was cited as yet another instance of the Republic's bureaucratic system infringing upon the liberties of its people.

