Decadence nightclub

Decadence, a night club, existed on the opulent Gem of Alderaan repulsortrain.

Design and layout

Inside, the club was dimly lit, with illumination provided solely by pulsing strobe lights and subdued table lamps. The club's lower floor featured a bar, numerous booths, a dance area, a primary stage, and a pair of smaller dance platforms, each incorporating a floor-to-ceiling bronzium pole. The upper floor contained a collection of small tables and booths, a secondary bar, a sabacc table, and a compact manager's suite.


Upon the Gem of Alderaan's initial voyage, Alya Aldrete stationed security personnel at the club's entrances. Following the attack on the train by Trandoshan mercenaries, a portion of the attackers invaded the club, engaging in combat with members of the Alderaanian Resistance.

